Kettner Sync Kettner Sync

An app to enable the collaboration between Marc Gebauer & Kettner Edelmetalle

Yikes! Are you manually syncing product information? Let’s build an app to seamlessly integrate it all instead!
The idea was simple; develop a Shopify app that allowed the seamless integration of Kettner Edelmetalle’s non-Shopify products into Marc Gebauer’s Shopify Store!




Custom Shopify app


A collaboration!


As the joint effort to introduce precious metals as a new category of products to be sold at Marc Gebauer Lifestyle emerged…

…so did the need for an automated alternative to manual labor for the continuous updates of product information & fluctuating gold prices from the non-Shopify store of Kettner Edelmetalle to the Shopify Plus store of Marc Gebauer Lifestyle.


The Challenge

was to create an app that..


was effective at instantaneously syncing product updates from Kettner Edelmetalle to their Shopify Product counter-parts on Marc Gebauer Lifestyle


provided an extremely easy method of importing new products from Kettner Edelmetalle with the click of a button!


intelligently merged between already imported (manually), Kettner Edelmetalle, Shopify Product, counter-parts and automatically imported identical products


The App

Internal API

The app utilized an internal API provided by Kettner Edelmetalle to fetch product data, which was the alternative to scraping rendered HTML. (bad idea)


The app featured Quirrel! A queue-job framework that provided a native (Javascript) method of handling queues & workers from within the app’s routes!

Nifty UI

The UI was designed to handle multiple edge cases for when (for example) products manually imported are later not found on Kettner Edelmetalle



Like any good Shopify app…

Kettner Sync augmented the Marc Gebauer store’s business operations to accommodate its unique needs and allow the seamless collaboration between itself and a third-party non-Shopify vendor

…a feat reasonably not available out-of-the-box for Shopify stores

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